Biodiversity and stability restoration of forest ecosystems in the zone of natural growth of Norway Spruce on the Bohemian Forest National Park territory

Vilém Podrázský

Project is directed at the data collection for state estimation, at the prognosis of forest ecosystems development and at active conservation as well as at restoration of mountain forests with natural growth of Norway spruce on the Bohemian Forest National Park territory. Initial works are planned for the period 1997 - 2000, a wide spectrum of work teams takes part in this project: 10 departments of the Faculty of Forestry in Prague, Research Station of the FGMRI and 1 department of the Faculty of Economics of the Czech University of Agriculture. These complex teams should enable the holistic solution and the obtaining of significant and relevant data and conclusions concerning natural forests restoration and management. Research project is composed of 4 parts: 1) changes in forest ecosystems, 2) dynamics of abiotic and biotic damage to forest stands, 3) technological and economic aspects of the forest regeneration, 4) silvicultural treatments. The project expects the synthesis of available data as well as of original results and the co-operation with other institutions, too.

Typological System Designed by the Institute for Forest Management (IFM) and Ways of its Further Development

Jiří Vokoun

The author, who is a lead person of contemporary typological school, introduces briefly the history of the typological system used in the CR by the Institute of Forest Management. This system has been continuously constructed and improved for 40 years. Further on, prepared changes of the system expected to be implemented into practise after 2000 are outlined. Generally, the importance of forest typology is acknowledged for the purpose of differentiating approaches to creation of a sound, stable, and nature-close forest fulfilling sustainably and steadily all use functions in accordance with the needs of the society. Optimisation of management measures differentiated on thorough knowledge of natural conditions represents a long-term goal we have to approach gradually. It is necessary to apply all current experience in the field and to regulate purposefully management principles in harmony with nature processes. Professional advancement and creative approach of the forest manager, who modifies the management recommendations and applies them into concrete stand conditions, are of the most decisive importance.

Model Demonstration Objects

Zdeněk Poleno

Based on a development project granted by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports there has been identified a demonstration route at the School Forest Enterprise of the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague along which appropriate forest stands have started to be modified as demonstration forest management objects. Basic goals of the project are: 1. To implement new scientific knowledge (namely biological and ecological) complexly understand as "sustainable forest management" into education of forest silviculture and into practise. 2. To innovate necessarily the contents and process of practical and field exercises for students of the Faculty of Forestry (on the basis of prepared demonstration objects) so that the exercises should correspond with scientific knowledge and new targets of forestry management. When all necessary data on the stands and site conditions have been gathered, these demonstration objects should gradually acquire a multi-disciplinary character, what means they may be used also by other departments of the Faculty of Forestry for practical and field exercises.

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