Oldřich Hrdlička (pp. 104 - 105)

In the first half of the nineties, cutting of immission injured stands of western part of Krušné hory (Erzgebirge) culminated and resulted in calamity cleared areas sized even tens of hectares. The reforestation was preceded by costly ground preparation by bulldozers, diggers, intensive fertilisation. An annual regeneration achieved even hundreds of hectares. The artificial forest regeneration often used available seed material grown often from seeds of trees that had not evolved under immission load.

In 1985 a specialised research station of forest genetics was established - so called seed growing -plant breeding station - practically oriented to conservation and reproduction of precious trees gene-pool and design of seed-improvement programme. The proposed programme included also autovegetative spruce multiplication. There remained isolated spruce trees in Krušné hory, which significantly differed from the others in their vitality. Under those trees in extreme soil conditions (pH 2.8) sporadic natural seedings occurred. The priority task was to register old vital individuals resisting many unfavourable effects and to reproduce them on. The selected spruce individuals were determined to graft and cone collection for reproduction. The reproduction material from resistant trees was used to establish a clone archive, seed orchard and maternal plantation for autovegetative propagation.

These facts were observed in realisation:

Planting autovegetatively propagated spruce at vast calamity clearings does not seem proper. Planting spruce turned out well as underplanting with preparatory pioneer species tolerant to immissions planted in advance of several years, at spacing 2x2m or 3x3m or even 4x4m in favourable terrain conditions. The microclimate produced by these trees allow the underplanted spruce to grow naturally i.e. like a climax species. We also tried to underplant autovegetatively multiplied spruce into died birch stands and the several years’ observation of such established pilot plots so far has been very optimistic. However the valuable cutting transplant material of resistant spruce have to be treated cautiously. It is not possible to glut Krušné hory with a homogenous seed material and to decrease by this the gene variability of renewed population.

Pavel Beran, Jaroslav Rambousek (pp. 107 - 109)

The total area of certified forest tree seed stands was 137 365 ha by Nov 30, 2000. It approaches a 5% share of the total forest area in the CR. Compared to 1999 the area was reduced by 10 248 ha (6.9 %). However yearly fluctuations of certified seed stand area are natural. They are mostly caused by random impacts like the time schedule of administrative procedure of certification. A certain drop of certified seed stand area is also affected by necessary respecting the minimum stand area, which is now set by law to 2 ha. The area decreasing trend can be expected also in the future. The reasons are: oversized areas of certified seed stands of some forest tree species (namely Norway spruce) in some regions; greater share of applied natural regeneration; a significant decrease in area of the state owned forests due to ownership restitution : some forest administration units were inactivated and small owners’ interest in certification is limited. Also the question of protective periods and restriction of regeneration cutting represent significant facts affecting forest owners in deciding on the scope of their stands proposed certification. The article then presents the certified stands classified by tree species and brings an overview of records and information service provided by VÚLHM (Research Institute of Forestry and Game Management).

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