Quality control of reproductive material
Eds. (pp. 166-171)
In March 7-8, there took place a seminar at the Research Station in Opočno which focused on necessary changes in forestry legislation taken in the process of the CR’s joining the EU related to the issue of the treatment of forest species reproduction material, to the preparation of establishment of the national control system and the national standard of seed material quality. The Czech forest law in the branch has to be harmonised with the Directive 105/1999/EU, considered a key EU legislative regulation. Therefore the following issues have to be regulated: a free movement of reproduction material; the number of forest tree species whose reproduction material beginning to circulate has to originate from certified sources; the introduction of reproduction material categories (identified, selected, qualified, tested); requirements for the approval of reproduction material sources; manipulation with reproduction material originating from gene modified sources; requirements for external quality of the reproduction material; rules for mixing of the reproduction material; content and formal requirements of accompanying documents; definition of terms; possible exemptions in case of lack of reproduction material; possibility of control by Commission’s bodies.
Seed orchards of forest species in the Czech Republic
Jaroslav Rambousek, Petr Novák (pp. 172-173)
The importance of seed coming from seed orchards does not consist primarily in gene pool conservation but in the establishment of production effective and quality forest stands. Namely for this reason a certain limited proportion of this kind of seed material is expected in the forest stand regeneration. At present, there are 349,96 ha in 129 seed orchards in the Czech Republic. There are present 9 coniferous (87,4 % of the total area) and 13 deciduous (12,6 %) tree species there. The most frequent tree species is pine (32 orchards, total area 123,71 ha - 35,3 %), then larch (30 orchards, area 89,62 ha - 26,1 %) and spruce (26 orchards, area 74,71 ha (21,5 %).
Proposal of seed-collection zones and transfer of reproduction material (for European beech, sessile oak, pedunculate oak, small-leaved linden, large-leaved linden, Norway maple, sycamore maple, European ash, narrow-leaved ash, silver fir in the CR)
Vladimír Hynek (pp. 174-176)
By the Czech forest law, there is the obligation to use approved sources of reproduction material of selected forest species (Norway spruce, Scots pine, European larch) in regeneration of forest stands. These species have approved seed collection zones and regulated transfer of seed material. Currently, steps are taken to include also European beech and silver fir among the selected species. Current national legislation will change with expected joining the EU in harmonising the Czech legal regulations with the European ones. The approval of seed-collection zones stemmed in the past more from empirical assumptions than from verification of reproduction material transferability. At the time of declaring the spruce and pine seed zones (8 and 9 regions respectively) only few provenance plots of these species had been established and assessed. Therefore the proposal of seed zones for European beech, sessile oak, pedunculate oak, small-leaved linden, large-leaved linden, Norway maple, sycamore maple, European ash, narrow-leaved ash, silver fir, was with the respect to present knowledge of population genetics based above all empirically. Recently, a number of provenance experiments have been established to specify the proposed zones even more.