František Pelc (pp. 12 - 14)

The article deals with major ecological problems in forests from the view of nature protection. The condition of a forest is substantially influenced by the forest management in the past as well as at present, by air pollution, game management, and also locally by other anthropogenic activities. The ecological stability of the forest, its natural value, species diversity and long - term production capacity are namely reduced by: a simplified species composition diverse from the natural one, a simplified spatial stand constitution, underestimate of gene quality and original gene pool of species, damage of mountain forest ecosystems by a high immission load, excessive numbers of hoofed game, insufficient application of natural processes in forest ecosystems.

The author points at differences in terms of the sustainable forest management and the the nature close forestry management. Forests in protected areas and territorial systems of ecological stability are formed mostly by forest communities close to nature.

Forests in protected areas cover about 6 570 sq. km i.e. 24.9 % of total forest land. The share of forests in TSES biocenters is estimated at 60 - 75 % - 3 000 sq. km of forest land.

Finally nature protection concepts are mentioned which concern forestry and the future of relationship or forestry and nature protection.

Martin Černý, Jiří Zahradníček, Jan Pařez

The research project “Forest management in structurally rich forests” solves the concept of an integrated forest management of forests with a rich structure and verifies the method of its practical application. The pilot project verifying its applicability runs in the territory of the forest range Klokočná (Forest Enterprise Konopiště) and at selected parts of the National Parks Podyjí and Krkonoše. At present, work has been finished at forest range Klokočná at the extent of some 500 ha of forest.

The method of integrated management of structurally rich forest based on operational inventory is capable to provide statistically sound data on the forest conditions (stock, increment, health) of the management unit together with the data on harvest possibilities in terms of allowable cut. The principal planning unit is not formed by single stands but so called forest development types.

The authors document the work on designing the forest management plan by the new method: determination of forest development types at Klokočná, course of operational inventory, determination of allowable cut, forest map making.

Petr Roth

The article deals with the process of joining the EU with the respect to adoption of EU legislation in the branch of nature protection. It covers the obligations stemming for the land users from key directives of the European Union: the Council Directive on the conservation of wild birds (79/409/EEC) and the Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (92/43/EEC). It informs on facts accompanying the implementation of the measures imposed by the directives and the relationship to the present system of extra protected areas in the CR. The directives establish the obligation to set up a system of extra protected areas of European importance called Natura 2000, which our state is by the law obliged to establish, proclaim, and provide with appropriate protection.

Natura 2000 will cover more than 15 % of the Czech territory and the number of protected areas may achieve even one or two thousands. Although the overlay with existing protected areas seems to be great yet the total extent of protected areas may increase from current 15.6 % of the national area by a significant portion.

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