Dalibor Janouš (pp. 55-57)
The article describes impacts of potential climate changes upon European forests based on their also published estimate. The author analyses various impacts in different European regions (boreal, Atlantic, Mediterranean), identifies the regions the most suspect to climate change and brings both threats and positives that can affect forest ecosystems and forestry.
Based on changes in plant distribution reflecting basic climate change in the past the plants are assumed to react by migration basically and not by genetic adaptation. The presumed global warming therefore is likely to manifest by spreading many wood species into higher altitudes.. In northern parts of boreal forests the present tundra territories are expected to be colonised. In southern parts reduction of coniferous species may occur, namely in Northern spruce in favour of deciduous species (namely European beech). A number of climate scenarios expect a move of boreal forests by 150 - 550 kilometres northward in the next century. The results of historical surveys however do not show a principal shift of major European wood species regions. For example, with increase of an average annual temperature by 1 - 2 #C a greater move of forest border by 100 - 200 meters of altitude is not expected. The article also analyses expected impact upon forest management, again by regions, and also effect of potential climate changes on forest stand production and socio-economic impacts of changes.
Jiří Šindelář, Josef Frýdl (pp. 63-65)
The article characterises the analysis results of five experimental sites with progeny of certified stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies L./Karst./) established in the nature forest region No. 16 - Českomoravská vrchovina (Czech -Moravian Highlands) in the altitude from 460 to 750 meters. These experimental sites represent a part of a series of 23 plots established between 1986 - 1990. Progenies of 53 certified units of Norway spruce of category A were tested within the whole series at all plots. In autumn 1998, all tested progenies were measured and evaluated at all plots. Based on the analyses results of progenies tested at selected five experimental plots in the nature forest region No. 16 four certified stands of category A could be proposed preliminarily into category of certified units. In the following research it is necessary to verify whether the stands proposed into the category of certified stands still exist and to provide their priority use. In case some of those proposed units are not suitable for their major purpose, i.e. for seed production and harvesting, establishment of reproduce seed orchards is suggested using material from experimental plots by the means of individual selection. In the next stage of the research the results of measurements from all 23 plots of the series 1986-90 realised in autumn of 1998 with the purpose to verify and amend preliminary proposals for classification of selected stands into category of verified units.